You don’t have to throw away your hard copy resume or delete your online resume but you might want to consider a video resume as a tool in your job search.
What is in a video resume? Basically the same things that go in other resumes: job skills, experience, achievements and education. Instead of you reading you resume to your hopefully future employer you will talk about yourself, sell yourself on camera.
Of course you have to practice delivering your message many times before you will get the final product. Remember that this is for business, not something that you would send to your friends. Wear business clothes and speak in a friendly and business like manner. Don’t film your video in your garage or outside where there might be a lot of background noise. Film it somewhere where the background doesn’t stand out.
Where do you send the video when you are done? If you have a resume post it there. Or you can post it on professional job sites like LinkIn. And if you send a hard copy of your resume first write down your web address and where you can find the video resume.